This blog will be filled with facts, so be prepared with a notepad.
Normally what we get to read about is how much we need Calcium. We need calcium for our bones, our teeth and for not getting osteoporosis. But what isn’t talked about is that Calcium (Ca) can’t do its work if you don’t have Magnesium (Mg). They work together and they are vital for the electrical transmission of muscular impulses!
Mg is responsible for emitting Ca from the cells after it has done its work. If there isn’t enough Mg, the Ca builds up in the cells and cause calcification. Also known as arteriosclerosis, which is hardening of the arteries.

Too much Calcium can cause:
▪️Angina pectoris,
▪️High blood pressure,
▪️Kidney stones,
The ratio between Ca and Mg should be 1:1, but today it ranges from between 5:1 to 15:1 depending how much artificial food products people eat. Everything that is made in a fabric is for the most time fortified with inorganic Ca.
In order for the body to be able to take up the Ca from the food it needs Vitamin D. So it’s a good thing to check your vitamin D level as well. But I can tell you that if you live in a Nordic country, you need to supplement with vitamin D.
There is a little trick you can do to see what I mean. J Take a glass of water. Empty a capsule of Ca into the glass. You will see that a lot of the Ca will sit at the bottom of the glass. Now, take a capsule of Mg and empty it into the glass and see what will happen in front of your eyes.
The Ca suddenly becomes water-soluble and vanishes before your eyes.
Did you know that Fluoride, which is a common substance in a lot of synthetic drugs, depletes the Mg reserves in your body? Check the ingredient list of your drugs…
Symptoms of Magnesium deficiency:
▪️Chronic stress
▪️Eating high protein diets
▪️Restless legs
▪️Eye twitches
▪️Chronic back-and-neck-pain
▪️Muscle cramps
▪️Leaky cell membranes
▪️Migraines, headaches
▪️Anxiety and panic attacks
▪️Raynaud’s Syndrome, when the fingers get white when it’s cold
The RDA=Recommended Daily Amount of Magnesium ranges from 200-250 mg per day. But if we are listening to doctors all over the world that researches Magnesium, they recommend between 600-1,200 mg per day.
There are different kinds of Magnesium on the market. For instance, Magnesium oxide, which is only 4 % absorbed…
Then we have Epsom salt that is Magnesium sulphate, which is best to put in your bath- tub and soak in. When taken orally, you get diarrhea, and mostly used when doing a liver-and-gallbladder cleanse. Magnesium citrate is another.
The best Magnesium on the market is a product called ReMag®, which you’ll find in online stores. Taking it together with Re Myte®, which has 12 other minerals, works in synergy with the Mg in ReMag. It’s a good thing to take them together.
ReMag® is a liquid and you take it accordingly in 1 liter/1 quart of water:
➤ 1 tsp. = 300 mg Magnesium
➤ 2 tsp. = 600 mg Magnesium
➤ 3 tsp. = 900 mg Magnesium
➤ 4 tsp. = 1200 mg Magnesium
Start with 1 tsp. in 1 liter of water and sip it through the day.
After a week you can take 2 tsp. in 1 liter of water and sip through the day. Everybody is more or less deficient in Mg, so start with a little and work your way up until you feel comfortable. According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, you can’t overdose, but I always think it’s prudent to start low and slowly rev it up.
Read more here if you are interested:
Your Health Is Your Wealth!!
With love